Saturday 29 March 2008


7.15 hot water and lemon
7.45 linseeds in water
8.00 juice leftover from yesterday
8.30 smoothie made with strawberry's, banana,tablespoon peanut butter,1/2 pint milk.
Bowl of organic puffed wheat with small amount of milk.
11.00 peppermint tea and eat natural bar
1.15 2 eggs 1 sausage beans and small portion of chips.tea with milk to drink.
2.30 green tea
4.30 green tea
6.00 Pork schnitzel, oven roast potatoes,oven roast carrots and sweet potato,spinach and sweetcorn tablespoon mayonnaise,water to drink.

Tried to balance out fluid intake today and did better but find it hard to drink plain water and have had herbal tea instead. Not a very low fat day today but I will endeavour to balance things out tomorrow.

I have found as I have improved my diet I am not getting the same craving for things as I was. I am not denying myself anything and that is making any weight loss a lot slower than it could be but I hope more sustainable.I have arranged to go to yoga next week as I had forgotten I had a hair app on Friday.


Stacie said...

Yes, balance is so important to me too. I go between denying myself, and the splurging, which I know is not the wise thing to do. I am working on moderation. I am hoping that as I improve my diet my sugar cravings will decrease. You give me hope!

Lynn said...

Thanks Stacie,
I try to look at it as a work in progress .I have had bad habits for a long time and I don't think I can irradicate them overnight, so I am accepting that some days I will make wrong choices.
Take each day as it comes and try really hard to be kind to yourself when you slip up.It is so easy to be kind and supportive of others but we always treat ourselves so badly. xx