7.45 hot water and lemon
8.15 linseeds in water
9.00 juice made with 1 pear, 2 apples, 2 satsumas,4 carrots, large handfuls of spinach,small piece of fresh ginger root.
10.00 potato waffle with an egg on baked in oven,tea with milk to drink.
11.00 green tea with eat natural bar.
1.15 pannini with tuna and mayonnaise with chopped onions, tea with milk to drink.
4.00 green tea.
7.00 oven baked potato wedges, quorn chicken burger,beans and water to drink.
Just need to gloss over today, I have not eaten well and have not drank enough water. My excuse is extreme tiredness as I got very little sleep last night and I have just craved hot comfort food ,that in itself would not have been too bad but I ate large portions at both lunch and tea time.So on to another day tomorrow and hope to do better.
Monday, 31 March 2008
over tired and over eating
Posted by Lynn at 12:05 0 comments
A special meal for dad
9.30 Hot water with a slice of lemon
10.00 linseed's in water
10.30 fresh juice made with 3 large handfuls of spinach,2 apples, 1/4 fennel,3 large carrots,1/4 pineapple,1 lime.(makes enough for two drinks,I put a flask in the freezer to get cold then fill with excess juice and put into the fridge to have later in the day)
12.00 Dr Karg cracker with tomato and basil pate, 2 corn cakes with humus and ham on, salad leaves with cucumber and orange pepper,guacamole.Water to drink
1.30 nettle tea and a nut and seed bar
4.00 nettle tea
5.30egg mayonnaise with salad, spaghetti bolognese and 3 slices of garlic bread,ice cream with melted chocolate on.Water to drink.
The evening meal is far from usual, we rarely have three courses.It was a special meal my daughter and I cooked for my husband and the food was her choice.I could have had no bread and slightly less ice cream and chocolate though!!
I had a lie in this morning , I felt like I was coming down with something and have been sluggish all day
Posted by Lynn at 01:28 0 comments
Sunday, 30 March 2008
A change of address
This is the address I will be writing my food diary on in future.It seems a friendly and supportive place and that can only be good.....
Posted by Lynn at 11:51 0 comments
Saturday, 29 March 2008
7.15 hot water and lemon
7.45 linseeds in water
8.00 juice leftover from yesterday
8.30 smoothie made with strawberry's, banana,tablespoon peanut butter,1/2 pint milk.
Bowl of organic puffed wheat with small amount of milk.
11.00 peppermint tea and eat natural bar
1.15 2 eggs 1 sausage beans and small portion of chips.tea with milk to drink.
2.30 green tea
4.30 green tea
6.00 Pork schnitzel, oven roast potatoes,oven roast carrots and sweet potato,spinach and sweetcorn tablespoon mayonnaise,water to drink.
Tried to balance out fluid intake today and did better but find it hard to drink plain water and have had herbal tea instead. Not a very low fat day today but I will endeavour to balance things out tomorrow.
I have found as I have improved my diet I am not getting the same craving for things as I was. I am not denying myself anything and that is making any weight loss a lot slower than it could be but I hope more sustainable.I have arranged to go to yoga next week as I had forgotten I had a hair app on Friday.
Posted by Lynn at 12:55 2 comments
Friday, 28 March 2008
Need more water...
6.15 hot water and lemon
6.45 linseeds in water
7.15 juice made with 2 apples, pear, 2large handfuls of kale,parsnip,3 carrots, 1/4 pineapple and a tablespoon of udo's oil.
8.30 bacon buttie with white bread and tea with milk to drink.
2.00 leftover roast veg and cous cous from tea last night.water to drink.
6.45 southern fried chicken and potato slices in batter , sweetcorn with butter on. tea with milk to drink.
Have felt less bloated today I think my hormones have settled down again.Was going to get a takeaway for tea as I was out getting my hair cut but decided to go to sainsbury and got something I just needed to chuck in the oven and wait, not particularly low fat but v enjoyable.....
Writing this I have just realised how little I am drinking during the day must make a point of drinking much more.
Posted by Lynn at 14:05 4 comments
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Another day
7.45 hot water and slice of lemon
8.15 linseeds in water
8.30 smoothie made with banana, oats, milk, peanut butter.
10.30 nettle tea and eat natural bar.
1.00 vegetable soup and dr karg cracker spread with you guessed it houmous!!!water to drink
3.30 corn cake with peanut butter and jam on
6.00 oven roast veg( courgette,onion,red and Orange pepper,aubergine,olives, garlic cherry toms,basil leaves all coated in olive oil and roasted for around 50 Min's) cous cous,and harrissa paste.A portion of broccoli with a little butter on.
Just not getting enough time to make this blog any more interesting I am afraid.It is still serving it's purpose for me though so I will persevere.
Posted by Lynn at 13:26 1 comments
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Yoga plans
7.30 hot water and lemon
8.00 linseeds in water
8.30 juice leftover from yesterday
9.00 beans on toasted seeded bread spread with butter.( Pure organic soya marg is OK but I really wanted the taste of butter today)Tea with milk to drink.
12.30 2 dr karg crackers spread with houmous with flaked tuna and gherkins on top,sliced cucumber and a shop bought smoothie.Tea with milk to drink.
3.00 corn cake with peanut butter on and peppermint tea.
5.30 2 eggs and a small portion of chips from Morrison's Tea with milk to drink and 2 slices of white bread and butter.
7.30 cup of tea with milk made for me on my return from shopping by Milly...
I do not have as much time as I would like to research different foods and the impact they can have on my health.I have done a little more about super foods and will be compiling a list as soon as I can and trying to incorporate them in my diet.
I have found a Yoga class locally and this Friday I will go along to try it out.The only thing is it starts at 5.45 and finishes at 7.30, evenings are not my best time and I will need to really motivate myself to go out to exercise at that time;-)
I began the morning with yet another headache but didn't feel as sad as yesterday thank god.I was really really low,so low I felt like crying all the time and didn't know why.Not sure if my diet could change that aspect but will try to find things that will cos I don't like these sudden dips at all.I did talk to myself though and kept saying it will pass ,it will pass, and sure enough it has but hard to handle all the same..
Posted by Lynn at 13:07 0 comments
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
7.30 hot water and lemon
8.00 linseeds in water
8.30 juice made with 2 grapefruits, 3 oranges.
9.00 smoothie made with 10 strawberry's, 1/2 pt milk, large handful of oats, 1 banana,blended together.
12.00 chicken noodle soup, 3 oatcakes with houmous and small slices of thin ham on.
2.30 peppermint tea and eat natural bar.
6.00 homemade pizza using cheese and onion bread mix(don't allow to rise)secret tomato sauce ( two tins of chopped toms, 2 carrots, 1/2 cabbage, large handful kale, large handful spinach, parsnip, garlic, tomato puree, 1/2 pt veg stock, onion all boiled up then simmer till soft and blend)cheese.Water to drink
Started off OK this morning but went rapidly down hill this afternoon.V tired and headache still around,became sadder and angrier as day wore on.Period finishing now and hormone changes seem to be hitting hard at this time.I hope things have settled down tomorrow.
We were due to have a mushroom thyme and chicken risotto for tea but as I hadn't got shopping and had no mushrooms or risotto rice we made the pizza instead,very tasty but ate too much and regret it now.....
Posted by Lynn at 14:16 1 comments
Monday, 24 March 2008
Cake for tea mmmmmm
9.00 hot water and lemon
9.30 linseeds in water
10.00 smoothie made with milk,handful of oats, tablespoon of honey,banana all blended together.
11.30 eat natural bar and peppermint tea
12.30 2 boiled eggs and wholemeal seeded toast, tea with milk to drink
5.00 carrot and coriander soup,1/2 ham roll and cheese and onion roll,crisps, chocolate sponge cake( yummy and so easy made in the micro recipe by Nigella Lawson) with creme fraiche.2 weak wine spritzers to drink.
I had a lie in this morning but found it hard to get going.I have had a migraine type headache for two days so that has worn me down a bit.It eased off as the afternoon wore on.
We were at my sisters for tea and had a little splurge with wine and cake.
Posted by Lynn at 13:07 1 comments
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Happy Easter
7.00 hot water and lemon
7.30 linseeds in water
8.00 juice leftover from yesterday made with 3 sticks of celery, 1 pear, large handful alfalfa sprouts,large handful spinach,2 apples, 3 carrots.
8.30 2 corncakes with peanut butter and a banana on,peppermint tea to drink.
10.30 eat natural bar with peppermint tea to drink
12.00 chicken noodle soup with dr karg cracker spread with houmous.
1.30 tea with milk and some chocs.
3.00 caramel flavour soya pudding.
4.00 hard boiled egg(I remember reading somewhere that a boiled egg was a good snack as it provided protein to help with energy and also fills you up so you don't eat too much at the meal)
5.30 Roast chicken (organic cost an arm and a leg but can't go back to the really cheap ones when I know how they are raised) oven roast parsnips and carrots with thyme on, roast potatoes, green beans and cauliflower cheese. Gravy made around the bird with wine and onions.Water to drink.
It feels strange to be back blogging after a break.
I did quite well on holiday, I took the juicer!!!! I also resisted the temptation to have wine and crisps on an evening which was OK, we didn't really miss them. We ate out on numerous occasions but I had made a low fat veg soup and a lentil stew( sounds dreary but is really tasty) so we had them on an evening as a lighter option. I didn't over do things when we ate out, I had what I fancied and had fish and chips but balanced it out in the evening. I managed well energy wise but got a bit cranky towards the end of the holiday ( I now know I was pre menstrual)I am going to try and find a way to stop the dips in mood.
I have been over on Claires Blog Raising the next generation and she has a post about Super foods and I am trying to find out more as I could certainly do with some of that.....
Over the weeks I have lost 6 lbs, it is a steady loss, and I hope it continues.I need to start some gentle excersise and am thinking of going to a yoga class and starting to take Beauty out for short walks( we now have a harness and a lead on her collar and Al says she is easier to control when she lunges which means I won't be expending too much energy just controlling her)that's the plan for next week so lets see if I can motivate myself.......
Posted by Lynn at 08:17 1 comments
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Nutty behaviour
7.15 hot water and lemon
7.45 linseeds in water
8.15 juice leftover from yesterday( not too good but really pushed for time this morning and couldn't face cleaning the machine today)
8.45 3 thin corn crackers with thin spread of peanut butter on,peppermint tea to drink.
10.45 detox herbal tea and eat natural bar.
12.30 chicken noodle soup (tin) with wholemeal roll spread with houmous.water to drink.
4.00 peppermint tea ,1 Dr Karg cracker peanut butter spread thinly with banana on top.
6.00 Tagliatelle with garlic mushroom and goats cheese.water to drink.
After posting last night I got a craving for something around about 9 and had a couple of thin corn cakes with peanut butter on spread very thinly,this seemed to satisfy but I really need to find some other munchy options.
Posted by Lynn at 11:55 5 comments
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Waffle, waffle...
7.00 hot water and lemon
7.30 linseeds in water
8.00 fruit made with 5 apples,2 oranges, 5 carrots, 1/2 lemon,udo's oil.
8.30 potato waffle with beans and 2 slices of cheese.
10.30 peppermint tea and eat natural bar
1.00 chicken noodle soup and wholemeal roll spread with houmous.
3.30 peppermint tea and eat natural bar and a banana.
6.00 cauliflower cheese, baked potato, mushroom burger,frozen peas, water to drink. milk thistle capsule.
Not having enough time at present to write other than basics.Emily is improving,as is my mood;-) perhaps tomorrow I will fell able to write more xx
Posted by Lynn at 10:32 3 comments
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
7.00 hot water and lemon
7.30 linseeds in water
8.00 juice made with 2 carrots, 1 orange,handful spinach.1/2 bag rocket,1/4 pineapple,2 apples,orange pepper.
8.30 porridge sesame seeds flaked almonds and bio yogurt on top.Tea to drink
10.00 peppermint tea
11.30 choc biscuit and tea with milk
1.00 toasted pitta and a cracker with houmous and tuna pate,water to drink.
6.15 juice leftover from this morning.
7.00 sweet potato wedges roasted with a little olive oil and tarragon sprinkled on, chicken goujons,green salad, water to drink
I have felt slightly better today. When I have more time I am going to give an update on how I think this diet change has helped and where I think I need to tweak things a little.
Posted by Lynn at 12:34 6 comments
Monday, 10 March 2008
Short and sweet
7.30 hot water and lemon
8.00 linseeds in water
8.30 juice leftover from yesterday(not ideal but had kept well in a flask in the fridge)
9.00 wholemeal roll with mackerel on, soya marg used instead of butter.
11.30 eat natural bar and a peppermint tea
1.00 homemade veg soup leftover from other night and wholemeal roll spread with houmus.
6.00 leftover stew from last night.water to drink.
Short and sweet tonight, Milly really poorly with horrid flu like symptoms.No sleep for any of us last night.Glad I had leftover food, no need to cook so no temptation to binge on uhealthy stuff due to being knackered;-)xx
Posted by Lynn at 08:38 3 comments
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Winter warmer
7.00 hot water and lemon
7.30 linseeds in water
8.00 juice made with 2 oranges, 2 apples,fennel,pineapple,3 carrots,1 pear, udo's oil.
9.00 wholemeal roll with fried egg and tomato sauce ,tea with milk to drink.
12.30 2 crackers, 1/2 carrot,pepper sticks, handful salad leaves,homemade tuna pate with gherkins,pear and melon with soya pudding and tea to drink.Here is the recipe for the stew I made for tea.Click on and you will be able to read if you want the recipe.I had two bowls just couldn't resist:-) I added some potatos and also two teaspoons of wholegrain mustard and I cooked it slowly for a round an hour instead of 30 mins.
Posted by Lynn at 08:25 2 comments
Saturday, 8 March 2008
7.00 hot lemon and water
7.30 linseeds in water
8.00 juice made with 2 oranges,3 apples,handful spinach,1/4 fennel,2 pears,1/4 pineapple,2 carrots.Udo's oil.
8.30 toast with soya marg(thought I would miss the butter but it was OK)i/2 tin mackerel and tea to drink
12.30 chicken burger and chips with a small(minuscule) side salad.Tea to drink.
5.30 leftover juice from this morning
6.00 homemade soup using 1pt stock made with 1 chicken oxo and two tsp of marigold Bullion powder 2 sticks celery 2 carrots 2 potato's 2 onions 1 clove garlic fry onions in 1tbs olive oil till soft then add other ingrdients and turn for 5 mins add stock bring to boil and then simmer for 25 to 30 mins then blend.1 wholemeal bread roll with houmous on.water to drink.
Feeling tired again today, Hormones on the change again as I am mid cycle and I am having to fight hard not to binge....
Posted by Lynn at 09:08 2 comments
Friday, 7 March 2008
Pretty green juice.
7.30 hot water and lemon
8.00 linseeds in water.
8.30 juice made with 2 apples, 2 oranges,1/2 head of broccoli,large handful watercress,2 handfuls spinach,1/4 pineapple,1 pear,udo's oil. I started initially following recipes for juices out of Gillian Mckeiths books and a really good one by Jason Vale the juice master.I have now progressed to concocting my own brews:) this was actually very tasty if a little earthy and a rather pretty shade of green....
9.00 porridge topped with sesame seeds and flaked almonds and rhubarb and vanilla bio live yogurt.
11.00 peppermint tea and eat natural bar.
1.00 Quorn coated chicken breast and shop bought frozen potato wedges coked in the oven with peas.Water to drink.
4.30Juice leftover from this morning(so glad I decided to do this as part of the reason for lapsing in the past has been the faff of cleaning the machine...)
6.00Tin of Baxter's chicken noodle soup and one of mums homemade wholemeal bread rolls spread with houmous.Water to drink and milk thistle capsule.
I have been very tired and achey today,could be the start of a bug that's doing the rounds,hope not.The consequence of feeling so low is that I have found myself craving and wanting to eat comfort food.So I decided to forgo the crackers at lunch and have a hot meal(although it was still relatively low fat) and wedges fulfilled my desire for potato although I did have less than I would normally have.The thing I love to eat when I feel like this is mashed potato and gravy,don't need anything else just that and a large bowl:))))xx
Posted by Lynn at 05:32 4 comments
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Forward planning needed
7.45 hot water and lemon
8.15 linseeds in water
8.30 juice made with 2 oranges ,3 apples, 2 celery sticks, 1/4 cucumber,2 carrots,1/4 fennel and udo's oil.
9.00 wholemeal muffin with soya marg(would normally slather with butter)a few thin slices of cheese and beans,detox tea to drink.
11.00 tea with milk
1.00(pictured)1 cracker with houmous,slices of red pepper, 1 corn bread with cottage cheese and chives,strawberry's and a soya pudding.peppermint tea to drink.
3.30 tea with milk
4.30 leftover juice from this morning
5.30 stir fry prawns leftover from last night and water to drink.
Started to read the menopause diet book, sounds like I am doing a lot of the things already but no doubt there will be some tips I haven't already heard.
Went into town this afternoon and was sorely tempted to sit in the cafe and have a big slice of cake and a cuppa but resisted and carried on shopping.I had left too long between snacks again so I got hungry.Little and often of the right kind of snacks seems to work just fine,needs me to be more organised and to plan ahead, oh dear!!!
Emily thought you might like to see what she had for lunch today...
Posted by Lynn at 11:54 3 comments
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Feeling chipper,so close to the word chips!!! but no cravings as yet.....
7.30 hot water and lemon
8.00 linseeds in water
8.30 juice made with 3 apples, 1 large carrot,1 orange, 1/2 bag watercress, 2 big handfuls of spinach,1 sweet potato,udo's oil.
9.00 2 corn cakes with peanut butter and a banana on top.Tea with milk to drink.
1.00 1 cracker with houmous on 1 soya pudding and tea to drink.
3.30 Eat natural bar and detox tea.
5.00 leftover juice from this morning( the idea is to have a juice before the main meal and then I won't be as hungry)
5.30 stir fry prawns and peppers with noodles,steamed broccoli,spinach and peas.Water to drink and milk thistle capsule.
I have found as time has gone on I am craving things less and less but this morning as I was preparing Emily's sausage sandwich I was drooling a little:-)))
I have also found I am not needing as much to stay full,tummy must be shrinking(can only be a good thing!!!) and I have also been remarkably chipper which is bloody marvelous after three months of feeling shitty.Now I can't say whether it is the change in diet or the massage/reflexology or just the fact that I have had a period after three months and my hormones have settled but whatever it is I would like it to continue.....
The therapist I went to for the massage etc also does hypnotherapy and I am considering going along as it could help with the change in attitude and the relationship I have had with food.Just need to decide where to trim the household budget so I can afford it:-)
I have just received a book I ordered The Menopause diet I have not had time to read it yet but it covers all the areas affected by the menopause and I will report back once I have read it.
Posted by Lynn at 07:44 7 comments
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Mash moment...
7.45 hot water and lemon
8.15 linseeds in water.
9.00 juice made with 2 apples,1/4 fennel,3 celery sticks 1/2 cucumber,2/3 pineapple,2 carrots, and a tablespoon udo's oil.
10.00 banana and nutty seedy type bar,detox tea.
12.30 vegetable and pasta soup cracker with houmous, water to drink.
4.00 leftover juice made this morning
5.00 beef stew with mash.
7.00 peppermint tea.
Weak moment preparing tea and could not resist eating some of the potato from the pan once I had mashed it,as well as putting too much on my plate.Oh well, one slip all day isn't too bad at all.Potato in all it's forms is one of my real weakness's.
I had allowed myself to get too hungry this afternoon between 12.30 and 4.00 and must remember to have a little snack even though I may not be really hungry.
Posted by Lynn at 11:15 0 comments
Monday, 3 March 2008
Fresh air and excersise....
8.30 hot lemon and water
9.00 linseeds in water
9.30 Juice made with 2 apples, 1 grapefruit, 1 sweet potato,1/4 fennel,1/2 lime.Remarkably tasty and smooth I think the sweet potato added a creaminess.It was very filling and did not feel hungry but at 11.00 I had a banana to keep me going as we were heading out for the afternoon.
1.30 chips and a tuna savoury sandwich,tea to drink.
4.30juice lrftover form this morning stored in a flask in the fridge.Not ideal as some of the benefits of the natural enzymes are apparently lost immediately the juice is made but I knew I wouldn't have time to make one when I got home.6.15 detox herbal tea and a nutty type bar.
7.30 crackers with houmous and avocado.
Quick post tonight,we have been out all afternoon walking around a small animal farm lots of fresh(very cold)air and exercise. I now need to rest and have a hot bath and an early night......
Posted by Lynn at 10:04 4 comments
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Strawberry delight.....
7.30 lemon in hot water.
Then a break with routine and a bacon butty in bed mmmmmmm.Cup of tea to drink.
12.30 Small bowl of french onion soup with cheesy crouton,Mutton,gravy,mash.spring greens,carrots,then trifle and strawberry pavlova.Two glasses of very weak spritzers rounding off a delightful mothers day meal at my sisters house with all the family.
5.30 peppermint tea.
6.ooScrambled egg on toast. Tea to drink.
7.00 chip sticks and 2 bite size chocolate bars to round of the day....
Bit of a break today as we were having a meal at my sisters, but on a positive note I had small portions and resisted seconds of the mutton and gravy which was just gorgeous....
Posted by Lynn at 09:49 7 comments
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Doing porridge
7.30 hot water and lemon.
8.00 water with linseed's.
8.30 juice made with 2 satsumas, 2 carrots,1/4 fennel,2 apples, and 1/4 cabbage.then blended in one avocado.It was a little strong as I had put in quite a large piece of cabbage, so not as pleasant to drink.
9.00 porridge 1/2 water, 1/2 milk, almonds and sesame seeds on top with rhubarb and vanilla yogurt.I have to come up with some breakfast options but this does keep the hunger pangs away and that stops any cravings!!!
12.00 Tomato soup with some sweet chilli sauce in and a cracker with Moroccan pate and houmous on.Water to drink.
3.30 detox tea and a banana
4.15 handful roasted seeds
5.15 homemade pizza using a packet of cheese and onion bread dough (not left to rise)
homemeade secret sauce(lots of hidden veg) and cheddar cheese on top. Potato wedges baked in oven.Water to drink.
Found this site,helpful information about foods that provide energy and also different foods to combat various symptoms of the Menopause.
Posted by Lynn at 04:15 2 comments